
What sells a product - The price, quality or emotion?..

neuromarketing psychology

Nino PNG.png   By: Nino Mamadashvili

«We do not sell products, we sell emotions» - this phrase best expresses the essence of sales in the 21st century. We value the price and quality in accordance with the buying process, and we do not even realize that the emotional component actually influences us when we are making a buying decision which a particular product evokes in us. Emotion drives us to action. In a wide selection of products, we focus on what evokes memories, what similarities, what specific emotions, experiences, impressions, and sense of life that are imprinted in our brains as subconscious information.This information manifests itself in a proper situation without our control, gives us a suitable reaction and determines the purchase decision. When we think that we have deliberately bought this or that product, in fact 90% of it happened unknowingly.

This information manifests itself in a proper situation without our control, gives us a suitable reaction and determines the purchase decision. When we think that we have deliberately bought this or that product, in fact 90% of it happened unknowingly.

How many times have we chosen a perfume inspired by the scent of a particular person, or focused on an outfit in which we present ourselves as the queen of parties, or on booking. com from the long list of hotels we can see a photo of a mansard hotel that reminds us of our youth dream of living in a mansard house. A smell, a word, an image, a situation or a feeling can turn into a force that brings the information printed in the subconscious into the conscious and calls us to the act of buying.

Price and quality are often just arguments as to why we bought this or that item and not the impulse that actually made us want to buy.

Information enters the subconscious because of emotions -  joy, surprise, love, hate, sadness, anger, fear, pride, envy, shame or guilt. If the manufacturer manages to identify as many customers as possible with its product, to arouse more emotion in him/her, to give joy, to surprise him/her, to protect him/her from fears and sadness with its own product and to avoid hateful situations, the consumer will definitely stop choosing them.


The modern market is saturated with products. Constantly offering innovations that the market has never seen or heard before requires a great deal of creative and financial resources. Many companies do not have the luxury of this. Therefore, it is up to the competitor to distinguish its own product or the forms of submission of this product by any mark, which will make the consumer decide in his favor.

Almost every marketing trick or strategy already tried so far is slowly losing its effectiveness. The ads become monotonous, boring and expensive. According to research, all of us by the age of 65 will have seen an average of 2 million ads. In this situation it is necessary to look for new approaches to increase product awareness and demonstrate its benefits.

The solution is to arouse emotions in a person and not to provide noise and incomplete information, which we often encounter in companies communicating with customers.

Famous brands know the role of emotions in sales and that is why they sell feelings along with products. They build emotional connection with the customer through emotional advertising or a specially designed communication strategy. When communicating, they emphasize the customer's perception of the values, his desires, nostalgia, hopes or fears and offer the product in a very effective way. Coca Cola does not only sell soft drinks, it sells the feeling of eternal youth. Neither Apple sells technology, but the desire to be an innovator, to stand out. The Rolex watch does not show time better than other watches, but it best expresses its high status and sense of pride in its own achievements.

How do well-known companies manage to deliver this emotional message to their customers?

They explore their own audience and know what is most effective in communicating with the customer, visual (logo, color, design, shape, packaging) or auditory component (sound, music, words, slogan) and how to adapt it to the user through 4 channels:

  • With Sensor (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch)
  • With Symbols (logo)
  • With Verbally (slogan, Power Words)
  • With Stories (Storytelling)

The whole NIKE advertising campaign and customer communication is built on the message «Just do It». Probably many dreamed of achieving success. But there was not enough courage. He believed that success is only for the chosen ones. NIKE responds well to this complex hidden in our subconscious, encouraging us and inviting us to express ourselves and just try to be special. This emotional campaign boosted NIKE sales from 18% to 43%. NIKE users are not just buying sportswear, they are trying to do what others can («find your greatness. Just do it»).

When we know what emotion, the user responds to and how we evoke that emotion, what pleases the consumer and to provide them with a product what pleases him/her. We offer a product eligible directly to the customer through suitable custom channels and we no longer get bored with unnecessary information. This is beneficial for both the customer and the company to better sell the product.

Our seminar «Neuromarketing Techniques for Effective Sales». is dedicated to the study of relevant marketing or neuromarketing tools for various communication channels and sales. If you want to deepen your knowledge in this area, join the workshop and learn how to beat the customer's heart and how to make it sound in favor of your product.                                                                                                                                         

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